He mentioned it was CAMWorks, integrated into Solidworks. I called onto a potential customer back in Feb 2021 and he said he just bought CAM software 1 year prior, and he is not interested.
Very user-friendly and intuitive SolidCAM user interface. Our robust, easily customizable post-processors for different customers’ needs are far superior to CAMWorks posts. Our new tool table is far more advanced than the CAMworks one. O ur SolidCAM simulation capabilities, mainly the Machine simulation, are far superior to CAMWorks. SolidCAM Swiss-type machining is the best in the world, and CAMworks have very weak solution for Swiss. SolidCAM is completely superior to CAMWorks in Multi-Channel Mill-Turn machining, with the best multi-channel synchronization and simulation. See this presentation on iMachining vs so-called competitors: T hat takes away the guesswork in setting the cutting conditions - a major advantage to all machinists - the more experienced and the less experienced. It gets a B+ in almost every area where some of the CAM software options have a solid F in one area, an A+ in another area, and Bs in the other areas.Also, iMachining has the amazing iMachining Wizard that automatically calculates optimal feeds and speeds, for every point of the toolpath, taking into account the stock material properties, cutting tool type, and machine tool parameters. I have found CAMWorks to be the best overall.
They are all good it just comes down to what you like. I have used Mastercam, Gibbscam, Delcam, Fusion 360/hsmworks. I have trained a few people with little to no CNC knowledge very quickly and painlessly in camworks. I have had good success with it most people do not utilize the support CAMWorks resellers offer This is their mistake. I ended up sticking with CAMWorks.ĬAMWorks can do anything everyone is talking about including 5 Axis, Mill Turn, Lathe, etc. At one point I desperately tried to replace it and purchased a couple other software options due to not enjoying working with the reseller. At my previous place I used CAMWorks for about seven years. This is the second place I have used CAMWorks. We have around 40 CNC machines, mostly horizontals. I am a manufacturing engineer at a medium sized manufacturer.